Police Continue Probing Brown Family Brawl
Melee was prompted by merchandise sales

NOVEMBER 24--With grand jurors today reaching a decision in the Michael Brown shooting, cops are continuing to investigate a violent confrontation last month between members of the late teenager’s family, including his mother, who is named in a police report as one of the “attackers” who beat and robbed vendors selling commemorative t-shirts.
The probe of the October 18 attack remains an “active investigation,” according to Stephanie Karr, city attorney in Ferguson, Missouri.
As detailed in a police report, the ransacking of the merchandise stands was classified as a felony armed robbery. The assault, which left one victim hospitalized, began when a large group of individuals “jumped out of vehicles and rushed” the three vendors, a group that included Pearlie Gordon, the mother-in-law of Michael Brown Sr..
In a video shot by a passing motorist, a man--apparently one of the vendors--is seen being pinned to the pavement by a larger man throwing punches. Standing next to the men is a woman holding a metal rod. Nearby, a second scuffle appears to be ending by one the tents, under which merchandise has been dumped on the ground and a table has been overturned. TSG has reviewed the clip, which was provided by the motorist.
Gordon, 54, told cops that Lesley McSpadden, the late teenager’s mother, was part of the group that confronted her about the sale of “Justice for Mike Brown” merchandise. Gordon told cops that McSpadden, 34, announced, “You can’t sell this shit.”
When Gordon declared that, despite McSpadden’s objection, she would continue to sell items, her stands were torn apart by McSpadden’s cohorts (which included McSpadden’s husband and her mother). During the melee, Gordon said, she was punched by McSpadden and knocked to the ground. Additionally, Gordon told cops, McSpadden directed another individual to attack her.
Gordon (left) and McSpadden are pictured above.
During the attack, a male vendor was reportedly beaten with a pipe. As a result, he was transported by EMS workers to an area hospital for treatment of “injuries sustained during the assault.”
Gordon told police that $400 in cash and merchandise valued at $1500 were stolen during the 1:20 PM attack on the merchandise stands, which operated from under a pair of canopy tents in the parking lot of a barbecue restaurant on West Florissant Avenue, the Ferguson street where nightly protests have been held since the unarmed Brown, 18, was shot to death in August by Officer Darren Wilson. (3 pages)